Cheap flights from Prague: How to find the best deals

Discover the best tips and portals for finding cheap flights from Prague. Statistics, airlines, trends and useful advice on how not to miss out on flight discounts.

Cheap flights from Prague: How to find the best deals

How to buy cheap flights from Prague: useful tips and statistics
Are you planning a trip from Prague and looking for the best flight deals? Here's some useful information to help you save money and find the best deals.

Statistics and trends

Cheapest months to buy flights: According to statistics, the cheapest months to buy flights from Prague are October, November and February. During these periods, demand decreases, which reduces prices.
Popular destinations: Popular destinations from Prague include London, Paris, Barcelona, and Rome. These destinations often offer great deals due to the high competition between airlines.

Airlines that often offer discounts

Ryanair and Wizz Air: Ryanair and Wizz Air regularly offer special prices on flights from Prague to European destinations.

Lufthansa and KLM : Lufthansa and KLM often run seasonal promotions on long-haul flights.

CSA (Czech Airlines) : Czech Airlines offers discounts on selected routes, especially within Europe.

How not to miss out on flight discounts

Follow promotions and newsletters: Subscribe to newsletters from airlines and portals like or Skyscanner or . These services will alert you to discounts and promotions.

Use apps: Apps like Skyscanner allow you to track flight prices and alert you when prices drop.

Social media: Follow airlines on Facebook and Instagram, where they often post special offers.

Flexibility: If you can be flexible with your departure dates, take advantage of price calendars on portals like Google Flights .

More tips for cheap flights

Buy your tickets early: The best time to buy your tickets is usually 6-8 weeks before departure.

Off-peak flights: Flights on Tuesdays and Wednesdays tend to be cheaper than those on the weekend.

Alternative airports: Consider flying from nearby airports such as Vienna or Dresden, where prices may be lower.

With these tips and tricks, you'll have a better chance of finding cheap flights and saving on your travel.