Comfortable small apartment near the beach, Posedarje
Investment information How it works?
Monthly return: 875 €
Yearly return: 7.0%
We offer for sale a nice small apartment located on the ground floor of a new building from 2008. The apartment has a good layout and consists of the following rooms:
Dining room, kitchen and living room: 18,55 m²
Bedroom: 14,55 m²
Bathroom: 3.86 m²
The total closed area of the apartment is 36.96 m². The apartment also has a loggia of 6.73 m², which after factoring in the coefficient (0.75) equals 5.05 m². The total net area of the apartment is therefore 43.69 m², and the calculated area is 42.01 m².
The apartment also has a reserved parking space. It is located just 80-100 metres from the beach, making it an ideal place for summer stays. All important services are nearby, including shops, ambulance, post office, school and kindergarten, municipal office and pharmacy, ensuring a comfortable year-round stay.
For more information or to arrange a viewing please contact us.
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Bubenská 122/20Praha 7 - Holešovice 170 00
Po-Pá: 8.00-17.00