Taxes in Montenegro on holiday property
Taxes related to ownership of holiday property in Montenegro

Taxes associated with owning a holiday property in Montenegro may include the following:
1. Tax on the transfer of ownership of real estate (Porez na prenos apsolutnih prava): this tax is payable upon transfer of ownership of real estate and its amount depends on the value of the real estate. It is usually paid by either the buyer or the seller.
2. This is a tax on the ownership of real estate, which is paid annually. The amount of property tax is usually based on the value of the property.
3. Value Added Tax (VAT).
4. In addition to taxes, property registration and legal fees may also apply.
4.5. Other local taxes and fees: local authorities may levy other taxes or fees associated with property ownership, such as for the maintenance of public infrastructure or services.
The above taxes and fees may vary depending on the specific location in Montenegro and the type of property. It is advisable to consult local authorities or tax experts in Montenegro to ensure a proper understanding of all tax obligations associated with owning a holiday property in the area.
For information on the taxes associated with owning a holiday property in Montenegro and the official websites where you can get detailed information, I recommend referring to the following resources:
1. Ministry of Finance of Montenegro (Ministarstvo finansija Crne Gore): the official website of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro can provide information on taxes and fees associated with the ownership of real estate. Here you can find information on property tax, property transfer taxes and other relevant aspects.
Ministry of Finance of Montenegro
2. Montenegrin Tax Portal (Poreska uprava Crne Gore). Their website should provide detailed information on tax rates, tax payment procedures and other tax obligations.
Website:Poreska uprava Crne Gore
3. Local Authorities (Opština).
From these sources you should be able to access up-to-date information on taxes on holiday property in Montenegro and the official documents that govern tax obligations in this area. I recommend consulting these official sources and local authorities for the most up-to-date information.