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The purchase is not the end of our relationship!

To enable you to fully enjoy your property by the sea, we offer our clients a wide range of services from property insurance, building and repair work, furnishing, accounting and legal assistance, renewal of electricity, water, telephone contracts and much more. We can arrange renting, cleaning, laundry, welcoming guests or any other services associated with owning a property by the sea.

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Beware of fake sellers

Beware of real estate agencies that, due to the situation on the Czech real estate market, have started offering properties abroad from one day to the next! Without being sufficiently familiar with the foreign market, which differs from the Czech one, they have never been there in their lives! Rely on specialists and don't take unnecessary risks!

Found 600 propreties
69 m2
-1 m
from 77 € per day
Šipka vpravo
51 m2
from 198 € per day
Šipka vpravo
Beautiful apartment at Horizon Residences at Luštica Bay - Where the sky meets the sea
sea view desirable locality
77 m2
500 m
737,000 €
Šipka vpravo
Detached house with 5 apartments, 70 m from the sea, sea view in Tisno
sea view desirable locality
700 m2
70 m
700,000 €
Šipka vpravo
Apartment on the 1st floor in a new building with partial sea view, on the island of Vir
sea view desirable locality sale
59 m2
320 m
210,000 € 220,000 €
Šipka vpravo
New apartment with garden in Krk on the island of Krk
sea view desirable locality
65 m2
600 m
470,000 €
Šipka vpravo
Luxury villa with impressive panoramic views in Rogoznica
sea view desirable locality
700 m2
2 300 m
1,175,000 €
Šipka vpravo