Bulgaria a member of Schengen?
The European Parliament calls for Bulgaria and Romania to be admitted to the Schengen area. Both countries have met the conditions for membership since 2007. Find out more about their accession to Schengen.The European Parliament calls for the admission of Bulgaria and Romania to the Schengen area. Both countries have met the conditions for membership since 2007. Find out more about their accession to Schengen.

The European Parliament has called on EU ministers to admit Bulgaria and Romania to the Schengen area. Both countries meet the conditions for membership of the free movement area, Schengen, but are still outside the area. Both Bulgaria and Romania have been members of the European Union since 2007, but despite meeting all the conditions, they have not yet been admitted to the Schengen area. MEPs from the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) are calling for Schengen membership to be granted to both Balkan countries, pointing to the equal conditions of EU member states and the benefits of membership.
The term Schengen area refers to the territory of European countries within whose territory the inhabitants of member states can travel and cross borders freely without the need for personal checks.